Dec 19, 2019 | Water & Sanitation
November saw the Rotary Foundation Cadre visit the project site to inspect the work to date. The community welcomed the visitors from India and were delighted to show the work that has been completed to date. Overall the Cadre was impressed with the work undertaken...
Oct 16, 2019 | Water & Sanitation
From 1st – 12th October, work stopped whilst families celebrated the Dashain Festival (read more about the Dashain Festival here). Prior to the holidays we held the next planned training session, which was Operation, Repair and Maintenance Training for the Water...
Aug 30, 2019 | Water & Sanitation
It has been a busy few months, and things are well under way with the water and sanitation project. Suppliers and materials were organised back in June, the groundwork was blessed during a special opening ceremony and the start of the pipework has begun. A few weeks...
Jul 2, 2019 | Water & Sanitation
With materials organised and the start of the groundwork blessed, the Nepal team have been busy making a start to the pipework with over a kilometre completed already. The terrain is not the easiest to work with so this is a fantastic start with everyone working hard...
May 2, 2019 | Water & Sanitation
After finally stopping bouncing with the news the Rotary Foundation Global Grant had been approved, the team got right to work and a Project Introductory Workshop was held with HLF team members, local community, Water Users Committee Executive Members, local leaders,...
Feb 2, 2019 | Water & Sanitation
We are so excited to share with you all that we have just received confirmation from The Rotary Foundation that APPROVAL HAS BEEN GRANTED for the project! This US$125,000 project is a life line for the communities involved and we are so proud to be able to partner...