Chepang Community

Chepang Community

Ongoing monthly support continues within the community. We are currently in the planning stages for our next project, aiming to provide clean, safe drinking water and secure homes for these...
Rotary international global grant: update

Rotary international global grant: update

Rabindra and Padam travelled to Thamdanda and joined The Rotary Club of Westhaven New Zealand through a zoom call to show off the results of the water and sanitation project. I was able to show my amazing club the benefits to the villages since the project has been...
Bhaktapur Sanitation System

Bhaktapur Sanitation System

Earlier in the year it was determined that the sanitation system in Bhaktapur was in desperate need of an upgrade. So Rabindra, the kiwi team and the community worked together to research the best system for the community. We looked at an ecofriendly toilet option...
Thamdanda Project update

Thamdanda Project update

The project is nearly finished, with only an animal shed still to be constructed. The impact this project has made for so many lives is truly humbling, and none of it would have been possible without the Rotary Foundation and support of of local Rotary clubs,...
Thamdanda Project

Thamdanda Project

The community are continuing to thrive following the completion of the pipework to the villages. The Rotary District Governor and the Kavre-Banepa Club had a site visit in January and everyone was impressed with the work to date and the impact it has had on the...